Be Our Contributor

Contribute to Airfrov – Share Your Shopping and Gifting Insights

Welcome to Airfrov, a hub for all things related to gifts, small commodities, and the art of shopping. We’re calling out to writers and enthusiasts who have a knack for finding the perfect gift, the best shopping deals, and have unique travel insights. Below, you’ll find information about the kind of content we’re interested in, our guidelines for guest posting, and how you can submit your articles.

If you have any questions about contributing to Airfrov, feel free to reach out with your ideas.

Topics We’re Excited About

Not sure what to write? Here are some areas we focus on:

  • Gift Ideas: Innovative and thoughtful gift suggestions for various occasions and recipients.
  • Shopping Guides: Insights on the best shopping malls, stores for specific products, and shopping tips.
  • Travel Shopping: Advice on where to shop when traveling, including local specialties and souvenirs.
  • Travel Essentials: Recommendations and reviews of travel gear and accessories.
  • Travel Tips: Practical advice for travelers, focusing on shopping and gifting during trips.
  • Brand Reviews: Analyze and review brands, offering insights into their products, quality, and value.

Don’t see a topic that fits your expertise? Send us your pitch anyway – we’re always open to new and exciting ideas!

Guest-Posting Guidelines

Article Length

We prefer articles that are between 1,000 and 3,000 words. Quality is more important than quantity, so focus on delivering clear, engaging content.

Links and References

  • Cite credible sources for any referenced data or quotes.
  • You may include up to 2 do-follow links to your personal or business website or social media.
  • Our editors may add rel=”nofollow” to any link or remove links that appear dubious.
  • Avoid excessive keyword linking to maintain SEO integrity.


  • Use your own images or those from copyright-free sources like Unsplash or Pixabay.
  • Include alt tags and title attributes for all images. Descriptions should be relevant to the post.
  • If you don’t add images, our team will create suitable graphics.

What to Avoid

  • Submit only original content. Replicated content is not beneficial for us or for your platform.
  • We do not accept content related to Gambling, Drugs, Violence, Adult Content, etc.

Submitting Your Guest Post

To pitch your article, email us at [email protected] with:

  • Your name
  • A short bio
  • The title of your article
  • A brief overview of your article

Once your idea is approved, you can write and submit your article by email. We will review it and provide feedback. After finalizing and editing your article, we’ll publish it on Airfrov and promote it across our social media channels. Feel free to share your article on your social media or link it from your website.

For any further questions, please contact us at [email protected].